
Showing posts from July, 2022

Automatic Cashew Shelling System, Raw Cashew Shelling Machine Manufacturer | GI Agro Technologies

  Automatic Cashew Shelling System We Manufacturing of automatic cashew nut shelling machine ,manual cashew nuts shell removing machine is used to break cashew and separate shell and kernel. Models are available in horizontal and vertical systems. Fully Automatic Cashew Shelling Machine Manufacturer in Chennai. Get More information  📞: +91 44 6672 7200 📩: 🌐:

Automatic Cashew Kernel Dicing System, Cashew Nut Dicer, Cashew Dicing Machine Manufacturer Supplier | GI Agro Technologies

  Automatic Kernel Dicing System Cashew Kernel Dicer Machine helps to achieve uniform cutting of Leftover small cashew pieces during cashew processing. Cashew Nut Dicer/cutter Machine used for accurate dicing /cutting with the motorized machine for high cutting speed. Cashew kernel dicing system manufacturer in Chennai Get More Details: 📞: +91 44 6672 7200 📩: 🌐:

Cashew Nut Steam Boiler - Cashew Nut Cooking System Manufacturer | GI Agro Technologies

  GI Technologies is pioneer in the cashew processing industry, we offer Boilers are used to generate Steam in RCN processing for Steam cooking of RCN and heating of air in tray driers through heat exchangers Boiler steam production capacity is chosen depending on the steam requirement for the process. Available steam production capacity range is 100kg/hr to 6000kg/hr Cashew nut steam boilers and cookers are available in various capacities to suit the process requirement. Also, a mechanized feeding system is available for cooking. Get More Details: 📞: +91 44 23712496 📩: 🌐:

Cashew Nut Sizing Machine Manufacturer , RCN Size Sorting Machine - GI Agro Technologies

  Looking for the cashew sizing and grading machine? Save a huge amount. Buy the best raw cashew nut sizing machine to grade the nuts into standardized sizes. Send inquiry to get cashew nut sizing machine price. We offer automated cashew nut sizing and grading system Get More Details: 📞: +91 44 6672 7200 📩: 🌐:

Cashew Nut Shelling Machine Manufacturer Gayathri Industries | Automatic Cashew Shelling Processing

 Automatic Cashew Nut Shelling Machine Our cashew nut shelling machine has high shelling efficiency, high shelling rate and low breakage rate that come with the wide range of processing capacity and differentiation like Hand Operated Shelling Machine Leg Operated Shelling Machine Semi Automatic Shelling Machines 25kg/hour Semi Automatic Shelling Machine 50kg/hour Semi Automatic Shelling Machine 80kg/hour Ho rizontal 350 kg per hour shelling mac hine  Horizontal 350 kg per hour shelling machine  Automatic Cashew Shelling Line up to scooping &Shell and Kernel Separating System -capacity 300 / 600/1200 kg /hour