Process of Cashew Nut Processing Machine
Raw Cashew Nut (RCN) Processes
Cashew kernel is obtained through factory processing as follows.
1. Steam Cooking
2. Shelling
3.Borma Treatment
4. Humidification
8.Filling & Packing
Steam Cooking Cashew Machine
Raw Cashew nut (RCN) that are sun-dried & stored in the Warehouse are steamed in a cooker vessel. The duration of steam cooking also depends upon the condition of the RCN and prevailing atmospheric conditions. The steam cooking expands the shell covering the RCN & hardens it due to ingestion of Steam. After Steam cooking, the nuts are air-cured (cooled) overnight by spreading the nuts on the floor in the shade.
The steam cooking removes excess surface oil in an RCN, expands the cashew kernel's shell covering, and hardens the shell fit enough for shelling to get the Kernel.

Cashew Nut Shelling Machine
The Steam cooked and air-cooled RCN are moved to Storage Silos through horizontal and vertical conveyors and kept ready for Shelling.
Manual and mechanized shelling machines are built with horizontal and vertical systems in various modes of operation
Standard Output capacity is in the range of 25kg/hr, 50kg/hr, 80kg/hr, 300kg/hr, 450kg/hr.The output capacity of an Automated shelling line is in the range of 300kg/hr, 600kg/hr, and 1200kg/hr
The mechanized shelling lines can be configured for a continuous process to separate the shells from the Kernel and mechanically scoop the kernels in the automatic system.
Raw Cashew Nut, when processed, yields about 25 % by weight of raw nut in the final stage. It varies from origin to origin as the size and inner cashew shape and size differ.
Peeling Of Cashew Kernel
The Cashew kernel conditioned as above is now ready for peeling. The Peeling of the testa is done by hand for smaller-scale production or through mechanized Pneumatic air peelers. Usage of sharp edges of a knife is discouraged as it causes scrapping of kernels. Such scrapping mars (spoils) the look/appearance of the Kernel and is more pronounced after oil roasting.
Pneumatic air peelers are used for mechanized Cashew kernel peeling. The system leaves some percentage of partially peeled kernels. The partially peeled kernels are sorted from fully peeled kernels by Optical color sorters for re-peeling or manual Peeling.
Skilled labor peels approximately 6 to 8 kg in a day. Pneumatic peelers can peel up to 300 kg per hour. The Peeling of cashew kernel yields about 9 % skin by weight of Kernel.
The primary grading of kernels into whole, broken, and rejection are done at this stage.
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